Robyn’s Rocket EPK

contact robyn (at) robynsrocket dot com

  • Robyn’s Rocket shares work of disabled and non disabled artists

  • Robyn’s Rocket began life in a basement of a record shop in south east london and now lands at. cafe OTO, offering events full of visual and audio wonders

  • Robyn Rocket is Autistic with one foot in the london jazz scene and one foot in the Learning Disability art scene Robyn wanted to make a night bringing these two worlds together .

    Robyn is supported by Heart N Soul ( and funded by Arts council England and PRSF ( Performing rights foundation).

    Artist who have played at a Rocket include 54 the gate’s Jamaica , Charles Hayward , spaceheads and steve pretty


Supriya Nagarajan , Patrick Shaw Ivernson and Duncan Chapman

Introduce your brand

Floating world pictures

Many different musicians play as part of floating world pictures , but the two permanent members are Rai Wong and Mike Chestnut

Donna Thompson

Misc photos from previous Robyn’s Rocket’s


Photos and music Robyn Rocket